"Sculpture System"s are pieces that attempt to recreate a natural occurrence thru the use of mechanical solution. The concept being that the creation of a system that rivals nature is an absurd endeavor. An example would be the Wind and Water pieces which are about the water cycle.
Steel,found objects,copper pipe, water.electric motors 110" tall x 62" wide x 50" deep This is one of the first water pieces I made. The gravity of the water moves the cans and the water flows down thru the troughs into the bottom tank.
Steel,found objects,copper pipe,water, electric motors 74" tall x 18" wide x 40" long People always ask me if this sculpture is really a water clock and does it tell time tells time. The answer is no. I named the piece "Waterclock" because of the way it looks. Something about it reminded me of the works inside clock. Like most of the other pieces in this series this one operates thru the use of pumps, motors and lever switches. The gravity of the falling water initiates the other actions.
Wood , steel, solar panel,water, copper pipe, stock tanks 14' tall x 8' wide x 9' long Rain machine #2 is a self sufficient sculpture out in nature. What I mean is that the solar panel charges the battery which runs the piece, and that the roof catches rain water to replenish the stock tank. Of course the summer it was up at Schuylkill there was a very bad drought. It had to b... See More — at The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education.
Steel, found objects, copper pipe, water,electric motors 80" tall x 30" wide x 55" long This piece is very similar to the first Wind and Water sculpture. This one is much smaller and also a bit louder. One of the functions being a vacuum cleaner which blows air thru a reed. This reed is located in the copper pipe seen next to the fan at the bottom. — atSouthern Vermont Arts Center.
Steel, found objects, copper pipe, water,electric motors 80" tall x 30" wide x 55" long This piece is very similar to the first Wind and Water sculpture. This one is much smaller and also a bit louder. One of the functions being a vacuum cleaner which blows air thru a reed. This reed is located in the copper pipe seen next to the fan at the bottom. — atSouthern Vermont Arts Center.
Wood, Steel, Found Objects,Water,Electric Motors 58" tall x 24" wide x 50" long How many things need to happen for a branch to dip into a pond? The growth of the tree, the atmospheric changes that lead to the wind, to mention a few. This is the idea behind this sculpture.
Steel, Found Objects, Water' Copper Pipe' electric Motors 12'tall x 14' long x 7' wide 2001- 2006 This was a major piece for me in terms time spent and ideas worked out. It was shown 3 times so far and each time the piece has been changed , added to and its function improved. At this time it has 5 different electric motors and numerous switches all which function as the water flows down to the bottom tank. The whole thing bolts together and although time consuming is fairly easy to put together
Steel, Found Objects, Water, Electric Motors,Copper Pipe 66" tall x 16" wide x 25" long This mechanical sculpture is about the feeling and sounds of a rain storm. When the viewer presses the red button water is pumped up to the top tank. As it flows down motors are engaged, moving the troughs and the fan. This piece is currently on display in England.